Purchase explanation

  • Kies Product

    Choose your product

    Choose the finish for your product. You can edit this later in the ordering proces if you change your mind.

  • Upload foto

    Upload photo

    Browse your photo here (jpg or tif file) on your computer and select it, the uploading will start straight away. You can cancel this by clicking the cross in the upload module. Now the photo is being uploaded. The bigger the file, the longer it takes. You can upload a photo of up to 200MB.

    When the photo is uploaded it will be turned into a smaller editable photo (thumbnail).

  • Selecteer formaat

    Choose the size

    When choosing the size our system calculates up to which size the quality of the photo is high enough to print. This to warrant the quality of the print and prevent disappointments.

  • Bepaal uitsnede

    Decide the crop of your photo

    Here you can decide the crop of your photo. The cropping area can't be smaller than the minimum resolution we require.

    You can also choose between a standing or lying format.

    When you made the right crop click 'order' to check out the result.

  • Bekijk het resultaat

    The result

    Here you see the endresult of the photo that you want to order. If it's not to your liking you can click 'last step' to make a new crop.

    If you like the result, click 'put in shoppingcart' to order the print.

  • In de winkelwagen

    The shoppingcart

    Your photo is now in the shoppingcart, would you like to plex multiple photos? Then choose 'continue shopping' and repeat the previous steps.

    Would you like to order multiple copies of the same photo? Then click the + symbol next to your photo.

    When you're done shopping, there's three more steps to go.

    1. Fill in your details.
    2. Agree to the terms and conditions and select whether you want to pick up the product or have it shipped.
    3. Choose your payment method.